According to IETT Passenger Rights Manifesto, it is legal for all passengers to use public transport with their pets as long as the pets are both carried in arms and have leashes. Despite the legislations, Sema Bağbak who attempted to use public transport with her dog, was forced to get off the bus and later on pounded up by security officers in Avcılar Metrobus Station of Istanbul on 17th June. The incident first appeared on social media and then spread whole country like wildfire due to printed press. According to Sema Bağbak’s statements, she tried to use metrobus with her dog but was stopped by security officers. Afterwards, she pointed that it is legal to use public transport with pets, and took a metrobus by ignoring the warnings of security officers. Later on, security officers provoked public against Sema Bağbak and forced her and her dog to get off the bus. Near the toll gates, the situation became heated as she was grilled by both security officers and people.

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After the incident, video footages of the pounding incident showed up in social media, and prompted animal right activists as well. Animal rights activists have decided affirmatively that pets be put on metrobus from 7th August in order to protest recently increased security guard terrorism against pets in metrobus stations, to inform passengers about their rights. Activists organised an event on Facebook, and they have been preparing for the upcoming event on 7th August.

Published by Semih Sergen Semerci

Born and raised in Istanbul where I'm a medical student at YeditepeUniversity.

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